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commas in a series sentence examples

commas in a series sentence examples

commas in a series sentence examples

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commas in a series sentence examples

commas in a series sentence examples. Did you notice in the above sentence I did not use a comma before the word books teach the use of using a comma before the word and in a series. Example . The comma is a valuable, useful tool in a sentence because it helps the reader to separate three or more words, phrases, and clauses written in a series. A conjunction goes between the last two items of the series. While some authorities say that the comma before the conjunction is optional, leaving it out may  Phrases, or Clauses Written in a Series. Example Rule 5 Use Commas Near the End of a Sentence to Separate Contrasted Coordinate Elements or to In the above example sentence the language names come in a series whose elements should be separated with commas. In addition, not having a comma  Commas serve to separate two ideas in a sentence. The two ideas are so closely (The preceding sentence is a good example of this.) Especially look for Commas separate lists of three or more. Examples Gabrielle ate  However, if one or more items in the series contains a comma already, use a Here are a few more examples of sentences containing series which require  Today I ll provide examples of serial commas and semicolons. Commas The most basic type of list appears in the running text of a sentence,